A beautiful soup tureen in the cobalt glaze. With inspiration from the handled soup tureens that Ben Owen III's Grandfather, (Ben Owen Sr.) used to make. Perfect for serving soup or other dishes that need to stay warm. A beautiful addition to your home. Measuring 6.75"l x 6.25”w x 4.75”h with lid Please Note: What appear to be white spots on the surface are reflections from photo lighting.
You can find the traditional forms and shapes of Ben Owen Sr. pottery wares in The Tableware Collection at Ben Owen lll Pottery. This line highlights shapes and forms made in a traditional Owen style of the early 1900’s folk pottery of North Carolina as well as influences from Asia. This traditional collection has been continued by several potters who have worked at Ben Owen Pottery since the 1960’s. The current line is made by potter Elizabeth McAdams, who works as a studio assistant and retail manager for Ben Owen Pottery.
Works are stamped with the Ben Owen Pottery stamp and initialed with EM.